Friday, March 30, 2012

New Texas Law on Abortion

There is a new law in Texas that recently passed in October 1st and it is about abortion. With this law, it requires abortion providers to show or at least a given a verbal detail an ultrasound to the mother of what is going with the fetus at the time of making the decision of having an abortion. This law requires women to have at least 2 ultrasounds before having the procedure done. This law shows how Texas is pro-life. This law makes a lot of sense as it will reduce the number of women having abortions and just ending lives like if it was just a game. An abortion is a difficult choice to make, and I think this law helps women have a little more understanding of what an abortion means. I've heard people making uneducated choices when deciding to either have an abortion or not and personally, I think it is critical for a women to know what is going on inside her body before making this kind of decision. Texas' new law about abortions will create a more aware society. I do understand that sometimes that if a woman makes the choice of having an abortion should be respected, but I also think that at least she should be educated first as far as knowing what is going on with the fetus at least. This new law can help Texans be more aware about protection and reduce the chance of unwanted pregnancies. This could be the start of a more sexual educated society. This law will create a more conscious picture at the timrmof making the decion of having an abortion or not.


  1. Texas Abortion Law Actually Makes Sense
    As of Oct. 1st 2011, Texas state law requires that all women seeking an abortion must make at least two visits to the abortion facility. One of the visits must be at least 24 hours before the scheduled abortion time for an ultrasound. Although an ultrasound has always been a typical procedure at the time of the abortion, this new law allows for time between the initial shock of the ultrasound and the time of the actual termination. This allows women the time needed to actually process the reality of their final decision after seeing the fetus.
    I'm so glad that I came across Maria F. Jaramillo's post, "New Texas Law on Abortion", because I had no idea that this new abortion law existed. Maria touched on something that is very important. The implementation of this law is not to take away the woman's right to choose what she will do with her own body, but to make sure to enlist everything necessary so that it is at least an educated decision. Education is the key word here and a very powerful tool. To educate the potential mothers on what an abortion really entails, will hopefully make women more aware of ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
    I am in no way here to judge anyone that is for or against abortions, that is not what this is about. I personally, have been in many different situations where people close to me have terminated pregnancies because they were not ready to be a mothers, and sadly others were forced to terminate for health reasons. Whatever the reason, I commend Texas on making an educated decision to put this law in effect. The law is not forcing anything down anyone's throat, but subtly trying to initiate change in the right direction. Who said Texans couldn't be subtle.

    1. This entry is in regards to my classmate, Maria’s commentary on the ultrasound law, New Texas Law on Abortion . I feel Maria’s argument was clear and concise. I understand the point she was making, although I disagree with this new anti-choice law and I believe it was not established to help educate and provide patients with informed consent.

      I feel this is an attempt by pro-life activists to use intimidation in order to further their agenda. Governor Rick Perry was quoted by saying ““Today’s ruling is a victory for all who stand in defense of life.” This is not a statement made by someone who just wants to educate, this is a statement made by someone with an agenda, and their agenda is to make it as uncomfortable as possible for a women to have the right to choose. quoted Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life Director, saying, “Our Sonogram Law is the best chance we’ve had in decades to take pregnant girls right out of Planned Parenthood and shut down their filthy, evil business. And Planned Parenthood knows this — they know the threat of the truth, of women looking through the window to the womb,” This is yet another example of how this law has little to do with education and informed consent and more do with taking away a woman’s right to choose.

      I think all women should be offered the option to see the sonogram and hear the details if they choose to, not because the state chooses for them. To me it seems that this law may go against a patient’s wishes by making it mandatory to hear the details even if they request not to. If education is truly the intent, than health care providers need to find ways to inform their patients without using scare and intimidation tactics.

      I agree that perhaps some women are possibly too flippant about the decision to have an abortion, but since it is legal, it is not our job to find ways to dissuade to them.

  2. Although, I disagree with abortion to a certain degree, I am not against the new additions that are being implemented. After reading a post based on this topic,"New Texas Law On Abortion,"by Maria F. Jaramillo. I concluded that the state of Texas does indeed care for the future generations to come. By providing the new changes, Texas can educate future mothers that are on the verge of abortion, to realize the new life they can bring to this world, and not abort it. As a result, more babies lives will be saved rather than none at all. Since Texas included additional appointments to the abortion process, this gives the mother more time to visualize and think very carefully before her final decision. I hope to see more accurate results at the end of each year.

    This law may have some good sides, but It will frustrate some clients. Some of the mothers are already informed on the details of abortion or already have kids. Thus, they will become impatient, since there decision was finalized from the beginning. So, this law is guaranteed to have some opposers due to a waste time and money.
