Friday, March 30, 2012

New Texas Law on Abortion

There is a new law in Texas that recently passed in October 1st and it is about abortion. With this law, it requires abortion providers to show or at least a given a verbal detail an ultrasound to the mother of what is going with the fetus at the time of making the decision of having an abortion. This law requires women to have at least 2 ultrasounds before having the procedure done. This law shows how Texas is pro-life. This law makes a lot of sense as it will reduce the number of women having abortions and just ending lives like if it was just a game. An abortion is a difficult choice to make, and I think this law helps women have a little more understanding of what an abortion means. I've heard people making uneducated choices when deciding to either have an abortion or not and personally, I think it is critical for a women to know what is going on inside her body before making this kind of decision. Texas' new law about abortions will create a more aware society. I do understand that sometimes that if a woman makes the choice of having an abortion should be respected, but I also think that at least she should be educated first as far as knowing what is going on with the fetus at least. This new law can help Texans be more aware about protection and reduce the chance of unwanted pregnancies. This could be the start of a more sexual educated society. This law will create a more conscious picture at the timrmof making the decion of having an abortion or not.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Texas Will No Longer Take Sex Lying Down"

While searching for something good to write about, I encounter this blog "Texas Will No Longer Take Sex Lying Down" by, Eileen Smith. In her blog she talks about the current debate of banning family planning in Texas' schools and religious-affiliated hospitals. On her blog she uses a lot of sarcasm: "Thank God. This will dissuade the teachers from having protected sex with their students. Now they’ll just have unprotected sex with their students..." This makes her point of view more obvious, which is being against the lawsuit against the government trying to mandate birth control pills in school and religious-affiliated hospitals. She uses actual statements made from Texas attorney Greg Abbot, who is the attorney representing Texas. She does not use actual articles where all the information comes from, but she does gives her opinion on how she is against it. Her blog was directed to all the public but specially those who are directed affected by it, as parents and religious people. Smith's opinion seems to be derived from articles read about the current debate, but her evidence is weak.

I do agree with her, that having birth control pills in schools doesn't necessarily means that it would be like allowing school students to have sex, but instead it gives them at least protection. Banning birth control pills does not solve the issue of school students having sex, they would be prohibiting something that actually solves more problems than it creates. Smith did a good job on her blog, but she should have provided more evidence and information on the current debate.