Friday, February 24, 2012

"Invest in care for our aging Texas inmates"

  As I was searching for something interesting to talk about, I found this article "Invest in care for our aging Texas inmates". At the In this editorial, the author talks about how Texas is always proud to say how tough they are on crime, but they have notice how much money it is spent to have people in jail, especially older people.    The author, who is unknown, did a great job on providing facts about the topic. His point of view was obvious in the article as he agreed that there should be new methods of incarceration and that old people in jails were more expensive as they needed health care. He based his argument on previous articles and statistics that showed the number of older inmates that needed medical attention. The audience was obviously every tax payer in Texas.     In the article he also introduced a new system where they setted up special geriatric units for inmates that are 60 and older. This article was very informative as well as opiniated. The author did a very good job by providing evidence which gave him more credit and made the article more interesting.

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