Friday, April 27, 2012

New Bill Against Sexting Between Teenagers.

I recently just found out about a bill signed by Gov. Perry that was introduced by Senator Watson. This bill is in regards of the act of young teens sexting. To those who are unfamiliar with "sexting", it is the sharing of sexually explicit images of themselves to other people. This law permits law enforces to charge teens with a  Class C misdemeanor. The new generation of kids start having cell phones from a very young age. This, off course gives them the freedom to do whatever they want as they are not being properly controlled. At this age kids don't have the maturity to realize how dangerous can be sending expliciti images of themselves. Child pornography is off course illegal in the state of Texas.

In this case, parents or other adults who catch minors sexting have two options. First one is to either ignore it or just ground them. Secondly, is to report it to the authorities and teens will be charged with a misdemeanor At this time the judge will put them in an education program where they will have classes about how dangerous sexting is, and they will do this instead of sending them to prison.

I completely agree with this law. It can either work or not, it's hard to say that a parent would make their teens go in front of a judge for sexting. As an older sister of a teen I have seen how hard it is to control teenagers in the era. I think making them scared at least will teach them how illegal and seriously dangerous can sending sexual pictures over the phone or e-mails be. It might be an exagerated way to deal with this problem but I think in cases where it problem is out of control this bill will work.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Texas Legislature Decisions affects Women, Infants, and Children.

 I came across a very interesting article by my classmate M. Kelly "Women, Infants, and Children: The First to Suffer." As an expectant mother I find this very sad. It is true that the decisions made by Texas Legislature have impacted Texas' women and kids. Unfortunately, there are many unplanned pregnancies, and as I wrote on my last blog if Texas is becoming a state pro-life that means they should think about the help for those women who choose to have the babies. Cutting budgets to programs like medicaid and WIC, that help single pregnant women to go through a healthy pregnancy, is very sad as this kids are the future of this nation. I know it sounds a little dramatic, but it is true, in the long run we need to be investing in the future kids, and that begins at the pregnancy and continuing with education and so on. 

Kelly did an amazing job at providing legit information about the budget cut on WIC, and how it affects pregnant women, infants and kids. This program helps infants to be born healthy and in the long run it will help to save money on future health care issues. Kelly did address this point when she said " cutting funding to WIC we can only assume Medicaid costs and SNAP benefits will increase." This is completely true, WIC is a program that helps women to have a healthy pregnancy and help them promote breastfeeding, which has been proven to lower the risk to many health issues that are now a big problem in our society.

I really hope that the Texas Legislature starts to really think about the decisions they make and who it is really affecting and recognize that it is affecting the people who are in real need.